Tsuro: One Path Out of Many

Imagine being able to play a game as a dragon, flying through the air and making your own path. But watch out! There are other dragons and their path might lead to your own destruction if you are not wise or tactful. I am talking about our latest favourite board game, Tsuro.  Your whole goal is to keep your dragon on the board by guiding its path and making it difficult for other dragons (players) to stay on; thus being the last dragon standing!  At then end of the game it is quite fun to see all these different paths laid out and to see all the possibilities that could have happened. However, there can only be one path to victory.

Jesus said something very similar to this in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." In this passage, Jesus is talking about our relationship with God and being able to reconnect with Him forever.  Jesus is making the exclusive claim that He is the only way to connect to God (the Father) because He and God are one in the same.  This puzzled the disciples as I am sure it can for all of us at times. But it is put bluntly, that there is only one path to God and it has to be in connection to Jesus.  He is the only way that we can "keep on the board" with God: to live forever with Him.

How are you keeping yourself on the path that focuses on Jesus? How can you help others find that path and not make it a competition, but a journey?


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