Court of Owls and Benevolence

Did you know that a gathering of owls is called a parliament? I know, random factoid for you to hold on
to, but this was because owls were often connected to the attribute of wisdom.  Another factoid to throw at you. Did you know that there is a Court of Owls in Batman comics? These are not actual owls, but are Gotham's financial and societal elite who are in control of the city.  This sounds like a pretty impressive group, you would think that with all that wealth and influence they might actually be co-workers with Batman, but you would be wrong.  The Court of Owls use their power and opportunities to suppress lesser people and often have nefarious plans that seek greater control on the backs of Gotham's citizens.

This court reminds me of the Pharisees in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).  Being the religious leaders and even societal elite amongst the Israelites, the Pharisees would often look for more prestige and power over their fellow country men.  Often their rules would make life needlessly harder for others to follow a godly lifestyle.  Even Jesus makes a jab at them in his parable the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) where they were not willing to lift a finger to help one of their fellow citizens in need.  There is a warning that if you see someone in need and are able to help them, you have a responsibility to do so otherwise how are you showing God's love (1 John 3:16-18)? Jesus does not make power or influence a point of status, but people who are willing to serve others are the signs of true leadership; that is the only status He cares about.

How will you develop your status with Jesus in serving others who are in need around you today?


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