Armour of God, Nerd Style: Batman and the Belt of Truth

The Armour of God (found in Ephesians 6:14-17) is a well known passage of scripture that most Christians could quote off the top of their heads.  However, it can lose meaning if we don't dive deeper on why Paul likely gave certain attributes of the armour pieces (truth, peace, faith, etc.) that he did. So to help in drawing that deeper connection and importance of these principles to their armour pieces, we are going to take the armour and make it NERDY STYLE!!!! Buckle up!

First is the belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14).  This might seem like a boring piece, but it is really the foundation of it all.  Without the belt there would be no way for a soldier (in the Roman army) to be able to carry their sword.  The belt would often hold the breast plate intact as well.  A belt was not just something to hold up your pants, but would give you peace of mind as you were moving forward in the fight: that you were equipped and ready.

Batman's belt is the best example of this kind of preparedness.  The Batbelt is essentially his walking toolkit. He has Batarangs, a small welding torch, smoke pellets, his grappling line, small computer to analyze things,  kryptonite ring (to fight Superman if need be).  He has everything in there for all kinds of situations.

Truth is like that in our lives.  If we don't know what is true, we have nothing to stand on. Jesus states that "He is the way, THE TRUTH, and the life. No one come to the Father except through Him." John 14:6. It is in being in God's truth that we are made holy, distinct and are held together by God (John 17:17); and by truth we are freed from anything sinful in our lives (John 8:32).  Through knowing the truth (the word of God) Jesus was able to contend against Satan in the dessert.

What is the belt that holds your armour together? How does it hold up when you face hard times in your life?  Consider looking at the source of truth, Jesus, who will not just equip you on your journey, but walk alongside you.


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