Side Quests: Looting

I have a confession to make.  I am the kind of gamer that focuses on getting loot and advancing my equipment for the road ahead.  Lots of games have a looting component to them (these are often called "looter shooters"), where you need to keep on advancing your equipment along the progress of the game/round.  Specifically, Fortnite is one of these looter games.  My bad habit is that I want to make sure I have enough equipment and ammunition for my character for when we have to fight of another group in the game to survive the round.  This however, drags my team back and it can put them at a disadvantage with a distracted team member in a confrontation. It is good to upgrade your equipment and to keep looking for the better stuff that will give you an edge in the battle.  The balancing act is determining when is the best time for looting and when is it time to keep going on.  It really comes down to what stage of the game you are at and what amount of time you have left in it.

Looking at our lives, it can be easy to focus on what we want to upgrade, especially when someone else in our group is sporting some really nice loot (new phone, nice gaming set up, special decorative items, etc.).  Having nice things is not a sin by any means; it is nice to have a special treat from time-to-time or reward yourself for an achievement in life.  But, will it help you at the end of the game; in life? Are we getting too focused on the loot and not focused on why we are around in the first place or even on what is happening? Jesus said it best in Matthew 6:19-21. "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.  Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.  Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." The "looting" part of this life will only take you so far. We need to remember there is a bigger focus we need to having than just the materials we acquire.

What has been some of the "loot" that has been taking your attention in life? In the end is the loot worth all the effort to get or to keep? How will you remind yourself that we are supposed to be looking for things that a more than just the current upgrades?


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