Hey, Listen!

If you are a 90's kid, like me, or love playing older games for fun you might have a twinge go up your back when you hear the phrase "Hey, listen!" However, if you are not familiar with this and are questioning my sanity (thank you btw), I am referring to Navi, the blue fairy that follows Link around in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time videogame.  Navi acts as a navigational guide and if you need some redirection you would hear the prompted phrase previously mentioned.  At first it is kind of cute, but it can get irritating when you get distracted with side missions/quests, as we all do. Ultimately though, Navi is there for your progression in the game and supporting you in your journey. At times when you need that direction, Navi can be a big help.

We can be a lot like Link when we are starting out our journey in faith.  We are primed for adventure and ready to make an impact in the world, we have this voice/partner in the journey like Navi: the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17,26).  At first we might be taking the time to listen to what the Spirit is prompting us or guiding us in our journey, the "Hey, listen" gives us comfort that we are not alone. An awesome example of how the Spirit guides us when we listen can be seen in Paul and Barnabas' journey to Cyprus (Acts 13:1-12).  At times, we can get totally side tracked in what is going on around us or trying to accomplish our own side quests that interest us and might ignore these promptings we get from the Spirit. We need to remember that the Spirit is our biggest form of encouragement, but also our guidance in personal growth (2 Timothy 1:7).

Are you feeling lost in your journey with God or getting side tracked with side missions and don't know where to go?  Maybe you need to take sometime right now to wait and hear the "Hey, listen" from the Spirit. He is the ultimate navigator and travel companion you need for your journey in life and faith.


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