Legacy of Obedience - Green Arrow and Manoah

I have been sitting in the book of Judges, if you haven't noticed from the last two articles, and I found one spot that gave my head a tilt.  You know, that moment you are seeing or reading something that makes you think a little bit extra. Yeah, that's the one! Reading through Judges in a bigger perspective, you see the swirling downward quality in the judges/rescuers of Israel and the shortening of the times of peace that followed after them.  But then you get a rest from it in Judges 13.  There is this guy Manoah who has a wife that has been unable to have a child, which an angel of the Lord (potentially Jesus popping up in the OT) and says they are going to have a son who is going to be a Nazarite (basically a hardcore devoted person for God living differently than others).  What I love most is the response from Manoah; he simply asks "When your words come true, what kind of rules should govern the boy's life and work?" Judges 13:12. Did you see that? In the midst of setback after setback in leadership and commitment to staying the course with God in partnership, Manoah (btw his name means place of rest, like a rest from the bad characters....) just follows what is told of him. He is so honouring to God that after realizing they talk to the angle of the Lord, he was worried that he and his wife were going to be struck dead for talking to God directly. What a guy! Sadly, as you have probably guessed it or know the rest of the story, his son Samson is one of the worst judges of Israel. Samson is a drunkard, hangout with the wrong crowd, didn't follow the guides of his lifestyle as a Nazarite; he was one really cocky, messed up dude. It's hard to see from what was such an awesome example in Manoah, was not being followed up with Samson's life. The only bit of hope you see in Samson taking his father's legacy of obedience to God was in his dying wish to have enough strength to defeat his enemies (the oppressors of Israel).

I bet Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, can understand some of the frustration that Manoah had with Samson with his own ward Speedy/Arsenal. Not to say that Green Arrow is the ultimate example of a hero, but he is pretty observant of the world around him and the needs of people that he is attempting to help.  Oliver's heart is typically in the right place and he takes in a ward who has seen some pretty rough stuff to help guide him on the right path as well as join in his fight. Though Speedy, is trained by GA, he still is quick tempered and a bit stubborn to do things on his own.  At different points Speedy makes mistakes (drug addiction, going alone in fights, etc.), but GA's heart still holds on to hope for him.  Eventually Speedy becomes Arsenal and teams up more with Team Arrow. It's not perfect, but you see Arsenal learning from his mistakes and looking to rectify them and live more of a life that reflects his mentor's heart. At least Green Arrow got to see Arsenal choose to live in his legacy that he was training in him as a youngster.

How are you are you living like Green Arrow and Manoah, that is intentionally leaving an impact on those around you? Who around you is demonstrating a legacy you want to leave behind for others to aspire to? Ask them to mentor you and start the chain reaction of change for a better world.


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