The Force is with Me?

The Force. In Star Wars there is this unseen thing in the galaxy that everyone is connected to, but only few have been able to tap into its power.  Some use this power for good, to aid others; while others use it for control, for selfish goals.

One of my favourite moments in the use of the force is with the character Chirrut Imwe: a blind man who joins in the fight to get the plans for the Death Star. Now Chirrut doesn't use any cool force abilities (Force push, jump, hold, etc.); the awesome thing that happens is that he trusts that the force will guide him in his fight.  The big moment is when he walks out in the open toward a bunch of Stormtroopers to help get his ship up in running. As he is walking, he repeats out loud "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." and he does not get shot in all that time as he is walking toward his goal.  Once he accomplishes his task, he sadly dies because of an explosion, but his brother (who has not believed in the Force) starts taking up his brother's mantra and fights back the Stormtroopers.

Now, you have probably heard of "blind faith" when it comes to following Jesus right.  We are following a person we have never met, trusting that he did what he said he did (miracles, died on a cross, rose back to life, is the son of God), and will fulfill His promise to us (living with Him forever in freedom of death and sin).  Jesus Himself makes a bold statement to Thomas after he touched Jesus' side for proof that he was alive. "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me." (John 20:29).  It's not simply a "force" that guides you or watches over; it is God himself (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit; The Trinity) that does this, you need to have faith to step out and trust in Him. I want to reflect on how faith is a lot like trusting in the Force in Star Wars and I believe it is best captured in Hebrews 11:1 "Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see." When our faith in Jesus is made into reality: in seeing Him guide us through difficult situations or having strength through hard times, that's amazing.  That's the kind of thing that helps inspire and create change in others like Chirrut's faith in the Force inspired his brother after his death.

Do you trust in The Force of The Trinity to be there with you, to guide you, and to hold you together? Are you feeling like you are walking blindly without faith? Reach out and find a community of followers who have seen the unseen force at work in their lives. :)


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