Paul: The Original Mandalorian

If you have been following Star Wars content since 2019, you have likely heard of the series The Mandalorian. Some people have mixed reviews on the latest content, but I want to get into what has become The Mandalorian's most iconic line "This is the way". Within the series, you find out that the Mandalorians were a group of people who had been eradicated by the Empire for their precious metals to make weapons and use for currency.  One of the things that added to the Mandalorian culture was their strict adherence to certain rules, which acted as a pathway for them in all that they did.  This path would often be affirmed with other Mandalorians in the uttering "This is the way". Part of these tenants was not removing your helmet, devotion to family and the Mandalorian race, as well as being prepared as one global warrior clan.  The Way was something that was taught at birth and driven to the very identity of your being. The most notable marking of a Mandalorian is their iconic helmet.  But wait, how does this connect to Paul?

Diving into Acts there is one phrase that Paul mentions that just pops out as a copy and paste connection with the Mandalorians "This is the way." The Way is first mentioned before Paul became a Christian (back when he was Saul) writing letters to the high priest to seize these "followers of the Way" in every synagogue (Acts 9:2). Later, after his conversion, Paul became the advocate of the Way sharing it to Jews and Gentiles in Asia (Acts 19:9) as well as in Jerusalem (Acts 23 and 24).  The Way that Paul is referring to was from John's Gospel which is an utterance from Jesus connecting to His identity. "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.'" (John 14:6).  When Paul identifies that he is part of the Way, he is stating that he is following the tenants and guidance of Jesus Christ.  Imitating Christ and His commands to share His good news to everyone around.  Throughout the New Testament, Paul gives guidance in lifestyle for fellow followers of the Way in reflecting in Christ's example.  This is the Way for Paul.

So what's your way? What has been defining/guiding your life, actions, choices? Have you ever considered checking out Jesus' Way?


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