Becoming a Nerd 101: Supportive Community

So community, might seem like a very odd adjective to assign to a nerd.  After all, they are more known for being a bit different from everyone, which can lead to them being socially excluded.  However, there is a weird phenomena that can turn this isolation into community.  Though a nerd's interest may segregate them from others, it actually can be a catalyst to finding groups that are into their same interests.  That's the whole reason why things like comic conventions even exist! But within these comic conventions you see something beautiful happen, you see support and encouragement amongst nerds.  Now, these nerds could be representing different fan interests, but there is a comradery in it. "We are all passionate about different things, but lets be passionate about them together!" is the under written motto of these events. And it doesn't end there. With the blessing of everything being online, there is even more easy access to these kinds of communities that not only support nerd interests, but sometimes show support in charitable events outside of their community.

Really, we are called to be this kind of community.  Maybe not dress up as fictional characters, but we are to stand out amidst the crowd.  One of the hardest, yet most relatable things Jesus said to His disciples was to expect that they would be unaccepted (John 15:18-20).  By being nerdy about Jesus, there are going to be some people that will just push you away because of hearing the name "Jesus". We need to remember that though there may be some rejection, there is a community that can be formed in the midst of it.  Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane was for us to be one as He and the Father are one and that the world would see that (John 17:21-23).  Even further than that, that our community would be one that is not only supportive to each other, but would be thriving and impacting the world like the early church in Acts 2:44-47.

Do you feel like you don't have a community that is there for support? Join our Graphic Word community! But don't just come to get support, be encouraged that you can help this community be that support to others, just like we are meant to be.


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