Becoming a Nerd 101: Fount of Knowledge

If you have ever sat with a nerd on a long bus ride or even brought up a differing opinion to them, you have likely learned two things: they are passionate about what they are into and they are often very knowledgeable! How do I know this? My wife (was one of my friends in youth at the time) made the mistake to ask me what the show Smallville was about (we were just starting a bus trip from Hamilton headed to Hanover: 2 hours long). Let’s just say, she could have written a doctrinal thesis with the amount of info I gave her on that bus ride…. Any nerd typically has not just that one area of expertise, but a rather large library of information to refer to in their heads because they like to research to be experts in these things.  After all, if you are interested in something, wouldn’t you want to be the known expert in knowledge of it?

Biblically, there is a drive to be a person of expert; particularly in the Bible itself.  If you ever want to see the implications of how important studying the Bible is to one's life, you might just want to sit and read Psalm 119.  There might be some hints in there (wink wink).  Why, Jesus even said that we are not supposed to depend on our living on just food, but the very Word from God (Matthew 4:4), However it is so much more than that for us to be people who are nerds of the word.  We have the call out from James that we are not supposed to be merely listeners of the word, but doers of the word as well (1:22).  Knowledge is only as good as the capacity to use it in your life.  In our case to grow in connection with God and invest in others around you through love.

So how nerdy are you in your relationship with God and His Word? Are you moving past being an expert in knowledge of His Word to being and active agent demonstrating it to others?


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