Invitation to Adventure

What if I asked you to join me in an adventure? An adventure that would give you lots of opportunities to see amazing wonders, meet a variety of people, would challenge you at your core, but would change your life for the better. Sounds pretty intense right! Nerds have this drive for adventure in a plethora of platforms: novels, graphic novels, RPGs, video games, board games, movies, tv series, etc. It is really a part of who we are; wanting to venture into something big and unknown, but also able to share in it with a group of friends to help along the way.  Whether you are a hobbit, a teen in a galaxy far far away, or a hero trying to find the path to true justice, adventure calls out in your heart.  I think this is something we can all relate to in some way or another; that there is something we feel a draw to pursue that is bigger than ourselves.

I would say the first example of an adventurer would be Abraham.  When you meet Abraham in Genesis 12 (Abram at this point), he is called out by God to go on an adventure of trust with God that makes some big promises if he keeps his eyes on the goal. Or Moses having a burning bush push him from the consistent life of sheepherding to leading the nation of Israel out of slavery and reconnecting with God personally (Exodus 4). Jesus demonstrated this after his baptism; he didn't simply go about daily life, he went to the desert for 40 days and was pushed by the devil, keeping his focus on the goal ahead (Matthew 4:1-11). Even the disciples were challenged in this call to adventure by Jesus when He first met them (Matthew 4:18-20) and in His great commission to carry on the work He had started (Matthew 28:18-20).

You are invited in an adventure of following Jesus. And like any adventure it is something you are choosing to do everyday and remembering what the goal is.  Have you taken the leap in joining the adventure that Jesus has called you to? How are you choosing to keep that adventure going even when it gets difficult?


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