Nightcrawler's Faithful Love

Not going to lie, Nightcrawler is one of my favourite X-Men.  For people who might not know Nightcrawler other than being the demon looking mutant might ask why I would like such a person?  To me, he is the embodiment of the phrase "you should not judge a book by its cover, but by his heart and deeds". Every time I think of this hero I think of 1 Samuel 16:7 "Man judges by the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." He may look demonic, but he is a man of faith and one of the most notable men of faith in comics (write in the comments below for who are some other ones...)

Lately, I have been reading a series featuring our blue skinned friend that shows his impact on others in the mutant community; with the most common response that he is the "kindly one." Now you might not think that is a trait to have as a hero, particularly an X-Man in light of what they have had to face in the past.  But Nightcrawler is always known for being willing to help out anyone in their struggle (Wolverine, most of all). Time and time again, Nightcrawler lives out how people will know we follow Jesus in how we love one another (John 13:35). This is something we should have standing out more about ourselves than what we look like or who we want to impress.

My challenge to you is to be like Nightcrawler! Be a person who other people identify as the "kindly one" in your love and respect for others.  Be a demonstrator of the love that is found in Jesus to others!


  1. CAPTAIN AMERICA!! “There is only one God and He doesn’t dress like that”


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