D20s and God's Grace

Now you may be looking at this and say to yourself..."What on earth is this thing?" This my friend is a 20 sided die or more often called a "D20" within the nerd world.  A D20 can be used in a variety of ways, but its most common use is determining if a character makes a successful action during a role-play game. For example: If you were a character in a game and you wanted to see if you could lift a heavy object (say a table), you would have to roll a D20 to determine how well or poorly you do this. And if you do very poorly there might be some consequences to your decision (character might get injured).

In life we may not be making decisions or determine how well we do something via a dice roll, but we do feel the sting of failure.  Everyday can feel like we are constantly being asked to roll the die to see how well our efforts impact the world around us.  However, the Bible says that we are already at a failing roll or a critical fail (Romans 3:23) and that impacts those around us too.  I have awesome news though! God is like a Game Master that doesn't let you sit with your failure (the 1 you rolled).  He offers all of us the opportunity to flip that failure into a critical success (the 20 He gives you) through His grace (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

So what will you do adventurer? Will you keep on trudging through this world, attempting to make your own success, or will you go to the one who can take your greatest failures and make it into His greatest successes?


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