Super Saiyan in the Temple

I am bracing myself for some retaliation after making this comment and I ask for your forgiveness, but I have not watched Dragon Ball.... Don't worry, I expect that there will be torches and pitch forks assembling by my home sometime either today or tomorrow depending how far you are from Belleville. Something that most people are aware of in Dragon Ball is the immense power that their characters have (particularly the main character Goku).  Within nerd culture, there is a phrase that comes up from time to time "Oh...they're going Super Saiyan!" when someone is going at something really hard, almost without limits.  When people go "Saiyan" or "Super Saiyan" they glow with what looks like fire around them which is actually their spiritual energy.  This became such a popular image within anime that other shows adapted it for their use (Bleach being one of my favourite examples with Ichigo). While watching these Super Saiyan moments, it's hard not to want to be awestruck.  It's just so incredible that you get blown away at the immense display of power.  How could you not want to be something like that, let alone watch it?

Going Super Saiyan brought up some images for me as I thought more on it.  The first stopping point is in Exodus 40:34-38, where God's presence fills the Tabernacle with a cloud that was very thick and the cloud would stay on this structure; it also would become a pillar of fire in the night (picture that immense power!) Then we hop over to 2 Chronicles 5:14 and 7:1-2 where God's presence invades the temple in cloud and fire from heaven engulfs the altar for the sacrifice to God.  People were so blown away that they immediately started bowing and worshipping God; and who wouldn't after seeing that. Right there the tabernacle and temple went Super Saiyan because of God's presence. Jesus went Super Saiyan on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-6) shining hardcore and having a cloud that even credited that he is an important person to listen to. I mean, that makes sense though as Jesus is the GOAT of the Bible right! It doesn't stop there though. In Acts 2:2-4, the disciples have an intense spirit power moment that looked similar to our example of Exodus with a flame resting over top of them when they were given the Holy Spirit.  This spirit power or Super Saiyan state was not meant just for them, it is meant for anyone who follows Jesus.  Just look here in 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself," When you follow Jesus, you are given the Holy Spirit which essentially makes you a Super Saiyan of intense spiritual pressure.  But with this immense power that is put in you/given to you, there is great responsibility to rep Father God/Jesus/Holy Spirit as you are the space that this Spirit now lives in!

How can you remember that as a follower of Jesus you are actually a Super Saiyan? How are you going Super Saiyan? How are you leaning on the power of the Holy Spirit that is in you and listening for His guidance?  How are you standing out in a way that allows others to see the Holy Spirit in you and your life?


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