Armour of God, Nerd Style: Iron Man and the Helmet of Salvation

Tony Stark is one heck of a genius. This is the only time you'll hear that from me. It's not for his different suits that he has built (93 in total...) or for his IQ (270 btw, which makes him a super genius). No what makes him a genius was the development of Jarvis: an A.I. that he has synced up to no just his suit, but in his very home. Jarvis is a wonderful font of knowledge and information that is ready/available to help Iron Man at a moments notice. Jarvis also watches over Iron Man and gives him the capacity to see things that we would not be able to through those tiny window slits on his face mask. Jarvis is the big resource that Iron Man really leans on and needs him be Iron Man.

Let's not discount the importance of the helmet on its own. For obvious reasons, the helmet keeps your head safe from potential lethal attacks.  It also gives you protected vision for the road ahead (often through slits or visors) and would be secured on to you with a strap so that it would not come lose in the fight. You need to have safety that you will not lose your head (quite literally in this case) to be able to asses the battle field around you just at the Roman soldier would have needed.

Salvation is a big and older word that we sometimes really don't grasp the significance of what it means. It means you are being saved from harm, ruin, loss, or death. It is taking you out of a bad situation. If you decided to walk out into an active battlefield, you are putting yourself into a bad situation. In putting on a helmet you significantly increase your chances of survival. That's just like when we ask Jesus to save us from our bad situation and to give us clarity in vision of our life around us so that He is our protection. We are not going to get "sniped" by negative thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:3-5), but protected in the words that Jesus says about us.  Jesus' work in life, death, and resurrection gives us identity and security that we can know we are kept safe by Him.  After all, He is the one that "puts on salvation as your helmet." (Ephesians 6:17a); we just need to keep it on.

How do you keep your head and put on the Helmet of Salvation daily? What is your Jarvis (Jesus) speaking to you, warning you of potential dangerous thoughts in your head?


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