The Force is with Me?
The Force. In Star Wars there is this unseen thing in the galaxy that everyone is connected to, but only few have been able to tap into its power. Some use this power for good, to aid others; while others use it for control, for selfish goals. One of my favourite moments in the use of the force is with the character Chirrut Imwe: a blind man who joins in the fight to get the plans for the Death Star. Now Chirrut doesn't use any cool force abilities (Force push, jump, hold, etc.); the awesome thing that happens is that he trusts that the force will guide him in his fight. The big moment is when he walks out in the open toward a bunch of Stormtroopers to help get his ship up in running. As he is walking, he repeats out loud "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." and he does not get shot in all that time as he is walking toward his goal. Once he accomplishes his task, he sadly dies because of an explosion, but his brother (who has not believed in the Force) star...