
Showing posts from January, 2023

Becoming a Nerd 101: Intensely Passionate

Nerd is not a title to be feared anymore these days.  In fact to some, it is a badge of honour; even a level that is worth achieving.  I am personally proud to be called a nerd. That's right you can say it to my face and I won't cry; I might even give a heroic stance after you say it! But there are certain things that make a nerd, well... a nerd.  A major thing that sets them apart is there intense passion for their interest.  To a nerd, their interest is something that they are not simply enamoured by, it is the focus of their energy and free time.  Go to a comic convention and see how some of these nerds will wait in lines for hours dressed in costume for their fandom!  With such passion, these nerds at times can't help but go on rants on details to share what they are invested in to help you potentially get interested in it too.  If you have a nerd that does this, please take it as a compliment, as they are trying to invite you into their passion ...

Kirito: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Video gaming can and is in some ways an escape into another world.  This escape is not always a bad thing if you can regulate it or don't find your sense of value in it.  But what if you were so immersed into that you take some of that gaming world with you into the real world?  Confused yet? Kirito (main character from the anime series Sword Art Online ) was so immersed in this gaming world and was even locked in it (not of his own will), but helped other gamers work out some real world stuff while gaming with them.  Kirito acts like a bridge connecting the game world to the real world in helping fellow gamers face real threats in their life.  He is able to step between these two worlds and bring the aid that is need for the people who are calling for help. Peter was also a bridge to this world and what God was doing in the early church movement.  Acts 10 is all about Peter needing to adapt to something new that God was doing (ministry to the Gentiles)...

No Capes!

"No capes!" Now if you are a die hard Disney fan, you may have already heard the wonderful voice of our vertically challenged hero suit designer (Edna Mode). Edna, though small in stature makes up for it in her passion/zeal for the superhero community! This woman exudes a heart that looks at the hero as the ideal standard to save the world; part of that passion is to remove anything that may slow down or be a threat to these heroes.  Her iconic "No capes!" line comes from seeing several heroes fall in the line of duty due to snags or unfortunate circumstances in the name of fashion.  To Edna, its clear: if it is not functional, it is not needed and is a hinderance/threat. I'm going to level with you all.  I love capes.  I think they are really cool and add to heroes in presence and possibilities (do a comparison with Superman and Batman in removing their capes...very different eh....). I think we need to take a note from Edna here.  As we are developing our conn...

Hey, Listen!

If you are a 90's kid, like me, or love playing older games for fun you might have a twinge go up your back when you hear the phrase " Hey, listen! " However, if you are not familiar with this and are questioning my sanity (thank you btw), I am referring to Navi , the blue fairy that follows Link around in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time videogame.  Navi acts as a navigational guide and if you need some redirection you would hear the prompted phrase previously mentioned.  At first it is kind of cute, but it can get irritating when you get distracted with side missions/quests, as we all do. Ultimately though, Navi is there for your progression in the game and supporting you in your journey . At times when you need that direction, Navi can be a big help. We can be a lot like Link when we are starting out our journey in faith.  We are primed for adventure and ready to make an impact in the world, we have this voice/partner in the journey like Navi: the Holy Spirit ( ...