The Underdogs!

Lets face it, at times we can feel like the world is out to get us and we are the underdog of our own story.  It can be pretty hard to get motivated to push/do something when it is already an uphill battle.  Personally, I like to think about characters as a motivation (both fictional and real). Look at Asta from Black Clover; this guy had no ounce of magic in him and yet he has one of the most powerful magic items in the series with the drive to be the best mage in the world! Or Class 3E from Assassination Classroom, who are the runts of the school both socially and educationally, but are tasked with saving the world in under a year. Or look at Red Hood (Jason Todd) who was a street kid taking the wheels off of Batman's batmobile and is now a major member of Batman's allies in fighting crime.  Finally Captain America, going from this scrawny kid who just wanted to serve his country to becoming one of the most iconic heroes of our time!

However, there are not just nerdy examples of this that we can hold on to.  Scripture is full of underdog moments where God saw the potential in these types of individuals. Abraham (75 with no kids) became the father of a nation by obeying God; David (a kid) defeated a giant and became Israel's most noted king; John the Baptist was thought a lunatic and ushered Christ's ministry; Peter was a simple fisherman and became the father of the church! One verse always stood out to me in God's vantage point when looking for heroes and it is in 1 Samuel 16:7 "People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Wherever you are, or whatever you are facing in your uphill battle, remember that God is the one who usually uses underdogs for His big moves in the world.  Try asking Him how He might be preparing you for your underdog moment.  Will you be up to the task when it comes?


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