Make A Perception Check?
When we read about Jesus in His ministry, there are these strange moments where he would reveal a great truth to the crowd around him, but it was in the form of parables (stories with a lesson in them). In Matthew 13:9 Jesus shares a parable and follows it up by saying, "Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand." Now the disciples are a bit perplexed as this is not the first time Jesus has done this and are wondering, why He is talking this way to the people? Jesus responds that it is really looking for those who are listening to His teachings and those who are not. By sharing these truths in parables, it is like Jesus saying "Make a perception check on what is happening in your heart when you hear my teachings."
Really, this is the question we are asked each time we pick up a Bible. When we read and start processing something in the Bible that tugs at our heart or maybe is a challenge for us to take in
. Let's take up that question and honestly do some perception checks in our heart and lives so that we can better listen and understand what God's word is saying to us!
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