Enduring Armour

Captain America's shield is pretty incredible, but that vibranium disk is still not strong enough to stop the worst villain ever. I'm not talking about Thanos, Hyperion, Ultron, or Doctor Doom. Mankind's ultimate villain is Satan himself.

There are many fun parallels between superheroes and reality, but when it comes to the devil there is no make believe. It's common for people to doubt the existence of God, but it is rare to doubt the existence of Satan. Scripture describes him as an angel of light that long ago desired to take God's glory for himself, resulting in banishment from Heaven. In retaliation Satan seeks to destroy God's most beloved: his children.

So if Satan is stronger than us, what hope do we have? A 400 year old Christian devotional says this: 

"Grace is called "the armor of light" (Romans 13:12). It is light for beauty, and armour for defense. A Christian has armour of God's making, which cannot be shot through. He has the shield of faith, the helmet of hope, the breastplate of righteousness. This armour defends against the assaults of temptation, and the terror of hell"

You may not have Cap's shield, but if you are a child of God, you have the protection of your heavenly Father. Then you can tell the devil to go to hell!


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