
Showing posts from March, 2023

DC vs Vampires and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

A series that came out last year and was an enjoyable read has been  DC VS Vampires.   It was great for a couple of reasons.  First is that the DC Universe is working through the situation of a vampire empire being established and taking over the world (very interesting/intense). Second is that Green Arrow is one of the main people pushing the fight against the vampires (repping the Emerald Archer fanbase hard here!) Honestly though, what I have enjoyed the most out of this series is the  impending fear of being unsure of who has been bitten and turned; are there people on your side that you can truly trust?   This series has made me question every character at some point and the plot twist to see who was the head vampire really threw me in for a loop (trust me, you are going to want to read this series). What it reminded me of was Jesus' warning about wolves in sheep's clothing in  Matthew 7:15  "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as har...