Loki and Moses: Adoption Identity
I was given this odd comparison meme ( look to your right ) by one of our Graphic Word crew that looked at some connections between Loki from the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and Moses. The challenge was to see if there was anything that could be taught about this, so... here we are. First, let's look at Loki: the God of mischief (really lives up to his title) is an adopted son of Odin and was supposed to be prince of the Frost Giants. Growing up, he felt like the odd one out, but had a inkling in his heart to be a ruler/king. However, whenever he attempted this (usurping Odin's thrown, trying to taker over Earth, disguising himself as Odin) it would always go badly. Loki had a struggle with this identity; that he was supposed to rule, this is who he is, what he is meant to do . Sadly this would leave him broken and often trying to break others to accept his self-defined identity. It's actually difficult not to pity him in all of his efforts. Moses on the othe...